Health Benefis of Every Fruit Juice

(Clinical Dietician, M.Sc. in Food Nutrition)

Health Benefits Of Every Fruit Juice
(Just remembe: Always go for cold and fresh-pressed and avoid anything with added sugars.)

1. Watermelon Juice
Made up of over 90%  water, this juice is one of the most hydrating options you can find and contains antioxidants that help decrease chances of heart disease,cancer and high blood pressure. Drink it while working out-the citruline helps to reduce muscle soreness and lower chances of inflammation.

2. Pomegranate Juice
An oxidant bomb,pomegranate juice is filled with vitamins E and C to help reduce wrinkles and protein against sun damage. Pomegranate Juice also helps to minimize inflammation and the phyochemicals in the fruits stop the growth of aromatase, one of the major enzymes responsible for breast cancer growth.

3. Blueberry Juice
The high amount of flavnoids and disease fighting antioxidants in blueberry juice may help reduce the chances of Alzheimer's Disease and other mental health disorders.  Consumption may also prevent diabetes and increases the amount of nitric oxide in the body,which helps lower blood pressure.

4. Grapefruit Juice
Perfect for beach season, grapefruit juice aids in releasing excess water retension,boosting metabolism and strengthening the immune system. Stick to the ruby reds to manage your weight and control blood sugar.

5.Cranberry Juice
Rich in antioxidants and Vitamin C,cranberry juice is considered an anti-inflammatory powerhouse. Its Known to help prevent kidney stones,cavities and fend off urinary tract infections.

6. Orange Juice is the best for providing the body with tons of Vitamin C. Drink it for a healthy immune system and to fight off damage causing free radicals. Consuming an eight -ounce glass may also help decrease blood pressure and reduce the rsik of heart disease.

7. Beet Juice
Beet juice plays a huge role as a liver detoxifer, thanks to betalain, which also gives it is deep red pigment, Each week is enough to stimulate detoxifying enxymes and flush out your system.


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