Eating A Healthy Diet not only meets your Nutritional Needs but also Prevents and Treats Lifestyle Disorders.

(Clinical Dietician, M.Sc. in Food & Nutrition)

#Eating#A#Healthy#Diet not only meets your#Nutritional #Needs but also #Prevents and #Treats Lifestyle Disorders.

Healthy eating builds a healthy body and is important for maintaining a healthy lifestyle.Healthy eating means eating a variety of foods. Eating well does not mean giving up thye foods you lpve, it means choosing wisely.
Steps Towards

Base your meals on Cereals
  • Cereals should make up about a third of the food we eat.They are not only a good source of energy but also calcium, iron and Vitamin B.
  • Some people think starchy foods are fattening,but gram for gram they contain less than half the calories of fat. you just need to watch the fats you add when cooking and serving these foods,because this is what increases the calorie content.
Eat Lots of Fruits and Vegetables 
  • Fruits and vegetables are sources of antioxidants.
  • The more colorful the fruits,the more nutrient dense they are.
  • Try to eat at least 5 portions of a variety of fruit and vegetables everyday. For example you can have a glass of juice with your cereal at breakfsat,salad at lunch,a fruit as an afternoon snack.
Regular Meal Intake
  • Do not skip meals-For Healthy eating, Enjoy three meals and two additional snacks if you are hungry in between meal times.
  • Eat your breakfast like a king,lunch like a prince and dinner like a pauper.
DON'T Skip Breakfast
  • Start your day off with a good breakfast. Eating breakfast every day will help you have energy as well as steady blood sugar levels. 
  • The kind of breakfast one  has is equally important. Some ideal breakfast include porridge with egg, multi-grain toast with egg/paneer,stuffed roti with curd/lassi,poha with a glass of milk.
Cut Down On Saturated Fat and Sugar
  • Cut down the intake of saturated fats like ghee,butter,coconut oil etc.
  • Cut down on foods containing  added sugar, such as sweets cakes and biscuits,  and fizzy drinks.
  • Having sugary Foods and drinks cause tooth decay. Many foods that contain added sugar are also high in calories, so cutting down could help you control your weight.

Try to Eat Less Salt-no more than 4-5 grams (1 teaspoon) a day

  • Eating too much salt can raise your blood pressure. And people with high blood pressure are three times more likely to develop heart disease or have a stroke than people with normal blood pressure.
Drink Plenty of Water

  • We should be drinking about 8 to 10 glasses (2 litres) of water or other fluids,every day to prevent dehydration.
  • when the weather is warm or when we get active,our bodies need more than this.
Healthy Weight

  • Exercise is one of the cornerstones of healthy living.  Exercise at least 30 to 45 mins , 5-6 days in a week. Choose an activity you enjoy and follow it,like walking, cycling, swimming, aerobics, power yoga etc. 


  1. Thanks for sharing these nutritious facts & Keep helping us in maintaining a good health.


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