(Clinical Dietician, M.Sc. in Food Nutrition) 

  • Oats are higher in protein and healthy fats,contain both insoluble and soluble fiber. Insoluble fiber does not dissolve in water and helps promote regularity,while the soluble,'sticky' type dissolves in water.Oats this nsoluble fiber is called beta-glucan (helps trap cholesterol in the gut and prevent if from entering the bloodstream).
  • Oats contain the greatest amount of beta-glucan and a rich source of B vitamins and nutrients,including trace minerals.
  • Oats endosperm the largest section and middle layer serves as the main energy source of plant, in the form of carbohydrate and protein.

Whole Grain Variety of Oats Products
Gram for gram,all whole oat products provide the same amount of whole grain benefits.(some oat product are made with refined oat flour and do not provide the same benefits). The different size and shape of the whole oats only affects cooking time and texture.

Oats,Cholesterol and Heart Disease.
Oats may help lower total bad cholesterol (because soluble fiber helps trigger the liver to pull Low Density Lipoprotein  from the bloodstream for excretion)which in turn may reduce the risk of heart disease.

Oats and Blood Pressure
Eat a diet high in whole grains are more likely to have healthy blood pressure. Oats may help overall heart health and blood vessel function.

Oats and Cardiovascular Function 
Oats may help improve heart muscle function and slow the development of clogged arteries,known as atherosclerosis by maintaining endothelial function.
Provide unique dietary antioxidants. Anti-oxidants in oats may help reduce inflammation and improve blood flow. 

Oats may help to Control Blood Sugar
Help improve the body's ability to handle sugar by slowing its absorption and improving insulin.
Oats may help manage blood sugar and help improve the body's response to sugar by improving insulin sensitivity.
Oats may delay sugar uptake in the GI tract,which may help control blood sugar levels and improve insulin response.

Oats and Satiety
Oats may help one feel full longer than other breakfast choices because its viscosity slows the rate that the  food leaves the stomach and signals appetite controls in the gut.

Oats and Gut Health 
Because oats provide both soluble and insoluble fiber,oats may help support digestive health similar to other fiber-rich foods. 


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